Re: Debian trademark, EAN, proposed letter, SPI heads-up

2018-04-19 Thread Chris Lamb
Best wishes, -- ,''`. : :' : Chris Lamb `. `'` / `- ___ Spi-general mailing list

Re: Debian trademark, EAN, proposed letter, SPI heads-up

2018-04-19 Thread Chris Lamb
indeed. It's likely to save a pointless round-trip to tick a hypothetical "box" on Amazon's side. Debian does not have the monopoly on bureaucracy, after all… Regards, -- ,''`. : :' : Chris Lamb `. `'` / chris

Fw: FLOSS Conference Organizer Emergency Fund

2020-03-19 Thread Chris Lamb
lication review idea. Alyssa also has an idea to check in on. - Iterate on intake process - support request repo. Need feedback. Good enough? - Issue: we don’t know how big hte problem is. So we need people asking for help to scope the need - Alyssa: Follow up

Resolution Ganeti as an associated project

2020-04-13 Thread Chris Lamb
e arranged within a reasonable time will become part of the SPI general fund. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI Board. Acceptance of the invitation requires a majority vote of the Ganeti project as per the process above. § Best wishes, -- Chr

Re: Debian as an Associate Member of the OpenInfra Foundation

2021-12-15 Thread Chris Lamb
on-list for review if that's preferable): I think the next steps might be (a) seeing the agreement text on-list (as you suggest) and then (b) looping in any Debian folks significantly involved in OpenStack so that they have an opportunity to comment. Sounds good to me though. Best wishes, --