Proposed resolution 2016-09-12.jrk.1: Canadian bank account for SPI

2016-09-12 Thread Jimmy Kaplowitz
Hi, This is a resolution for today's meeting to possibly open a bank account in Canada, to meet SPI-related needs such as those of DebConf17 (occurring next August in Montreal) and the Debian sysadmin team. We would first confirm the important details with Canadian legal and/or accounting professi

Re: Proposed resolution 2016-09-12.jrk.1: Canadian bank account for SPI

2016-09-12 Thread Jimmy Kaplowitz
On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 12:01:12AM -0700, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote: > I'm very sorry that I'm submitting this roughly 10 hours before the meeting, > but I was swamped with preparing for a cross-country move this past Friday. To avoid confusing anyone about the meeting time: I submitted this roughly 1