> I have messages I am desperatly trying to whitelist from SA.
> I am using SpamAssassin on a Solaris 8 server using sendmail
> 8.12.10 and MIMEDefang.
> I have tried various lines in
> /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-mimedefang.cf to no avail:
>whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I think this is a bug in the latest release of SA, I just reported it an
hour ago. Theo is checking it out for me, we might see a new version
released soon!
Frederic Tarasevicius
Internet Information Services, Inc.
Charles Gagnon wrote:
> I have messages I am desperatly trying to whitelist fro
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 01:24:09PM -0500, Colin A. Bartlett wrote:
> Just to point out the obvious, did you restart spamd or mimedefang
> after adding the lines to your CF file?
Yeah. I have restarted sendmail and MIMEDefang after every config
attempt but it didn't work.
> BTW, in my experi
This is a top post. Sue me.
Just to point out the obvious, did you restart spamd or mimedefang after adding the
lines to your CF file?
BTW, in my experience, 2 points is way to low to be considered spam. But YMMV of
Colin A. Bartlett
Kinetic Web Solutions