Title: RE: Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin + QmailScanner
Hello All;
I've been folowing this thread with intrest since I haven't had success getting SA working with Qmail on my system. However when I tried to add this code I broke qmail-scanner. Where does this go exactly pleas
Just insert the following code into the Spamassassin subroutine of
qmail-scanner-queue.pl to fix the Subject Re-write bug. I tried finding
settings for this with no avail, so why not just add some code.
if ($sa_status == 1) { # Did spamc say it was
On Wednesday 17 July 2002 12:16, Carlos Kumbak wrote:
> Check out this:
> --
> Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED] by cadeado by uid X with
> qmail-scanner-1.12 (spamassassin: 2.40. . Clear:SA:1(14.2/5.0):. Processed
> in 0.683329 secs); 14 Jul 2002 03:16:03 -
> X-Spam-Sta