On Wednesday 24 December 2003 09:27, Mike Kuentz (2) wrote:
> Hope that helps,
> Mike
Thanks very much. I'm learning and really appreciate everyone's help
Merry Christmas!
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At 09:49 AM 12/24/2003, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I've started to see some spam with subjects like the following:
Satterwh, =?ISO-8859-1?B?bG93ZXN0IHByaWNlIGluc3VyYW5jZSB5ZXQu?=
This is an obvious attempt to hide the subject so that it won't
#This grabs the un-decoded subject, your
# rule was looking at the decoded subject.
# You probably don't want to change this and make it scorable
# since a ton of legit mail uses this charset
header __MK_CHARSET_01 Subject:raw =~ /ISO\-8859/i
describe __MK_CHARSET_01 Uses a ISO-8859
#What the s