Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
>>test FROM_EGROUPS ok
>>(note: always write tests ;-)
> What are these tests?
They are run by the test suite when you type "make test". They can be
used to make sure your regexps match what y
> test FROM_EGROUPS ok
> (note: always write tests ;-)
What are these tests?
Have big pipes? is looking for download mirrors.
Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> BTW: My Yahoo Groups and MSN groups are now up to a score of -7. I'm sure
> that's letting some spam through but with over 5000 users I can't be sure
> that they are NOT subscribing to some of these racier web/mail groups. :-/
> body GROUPS_YAHOO_1 /Y
> Any chance of you contributing these rules? This is something I've got
> on my todo list, which you could really help me shorten ;-)
Of course. I'm not particularly happy with the LOCAL_ISP rule since it's far
too specific, but whitelisting them is far too "risky." Same with INCIID and
Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> My modified scores for SA2.20 right now are as follows:
> score INCIID_MSG-10
> score M_AND_M_MEATS -10
> score FROM_AND_TO_SAME 0.00
> score SUBJ_ALL_CAPS 0.90
> score LOCAL_ISP
> I know this is a non-answer, but what sort of scores are your false
> positives getting?
About 5.0 to 13, depending on the type.
> If they're all tending toward 5.1-10, you might be able to raise your
> threshold rather than messing with the GA scores. I use a threshold of 7.0
> and haven't ha
> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 10:10 AM
> Subject: [SAtalk] updating GA scores
> Hello again,
> I upgraded to 2.20 late last week and while the amount of spam
> that is getting
> through has gone down *dramatically* from SA1.5, the numb
Hello again,
I upgraded to 2.20 late last week and while the amount of spam that is getting
through has gone down *dramatically* from SA1.5, the number of false
positives has seen a (slight) increase. Ferinstance: yesterday 2086 spam
messages were received but 8 were false positives, even wit