Which Version of SA?
Which rules are hitting for that score?
I didnt have debug running before I whitelisted aol.
When I turn it back on, I will keep an eye on it.
header FROM_AOL From =~ /aol.com/i
describe FROM_AOL Hey, this email says from aol!
score FROM_AOL -1.123
> Hi,
Right back at ya!
> Just a warning, I'm a bit of an SA newbie, so I'm half
> expecting to get
> a bunch of RTFM's back (but I have read the docs too.. maybe just
> missed something...)
I've been there!
> I've been using SA with qmail-scanner for about a month now
Which Versi
Just a warning, I'm a bit of an SA newbie, so I'm half expecting to get
a bunch of RTFM's back (but I have read the docs too.. maybe just
missed something...)
I've been using SA with qmail-scanner for about a month now and it's
been working great. With the default rules and settings, it bl