I use spamassassin 2.54 and just turned on bayesian filtering. I saved
over 1000 recent spams and hams and trained the filter on those emails.
However, when an email is scored with BAYES_99 it is only get a 3.0 from
that hit. I know I can maunally change the score of BAYES_99 but I'm
At Fri Jan 30 22:33:27 2004, Kareem Dana wrote:
> Hello,
> I use spamassassin 2.54 and just turned on bayesian filtering. I saved
> over 1000 recent spams and hams and trained the filter on those emails.
Well, you really ought to be using a later version than 2.54. The
current version is 2
At 02:46 PM 12/7/03 -0600, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
50_scores.cf:score BAYES_80 0 0 5.300 2.862
50_scores.cf:score BAYES_90 0 0 4.027 3.002
50_scores.cf:score BAYES_99 0 0 5.200 3.008
if I'm reading this correctly more points are given for classifying a message
as 80% probable than for 90% probab
On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 02:46:39PM -0600, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> Can some of you experts explain this one to me?
Randomly Generated Tagline:
"The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but
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I'm looking at the standard scoring of the BAYES rules and I see
50_scores.cf:score BAYES_80 0 0 5.300 2.862
50_scores.cf:score BAYES_90 0 0 4.027 3.002
50_scores.cf:score BAYES_99 0 0 5.200 3.008
if I'm reading this correctly more points are given f