SA works fine catching Spams, but when I look at the headers after
passing through spamc filter, no parameters, there are no headers added
by SA!
What am I missing?
I use Evolution and SA2.60 installed from CPAN on a stand alone RH9 with
all the updates
Masoud Pajoh
On Saturday 01 November 2003 16:58, Kenneth Porter wrote:
> --On Saturday, November 01, 2003 11:40 AM -0600 Masoud Pajoh
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After a lot fulling with rpm's, at last I installed the latest Perl and
> > then SA using CPAN.
On Saturday 01 November 2003 12:56, Matthias Fuhrmann wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Nov 2003, Masoud Pajoh wrote:
> [...]
> > command everything works fine.
> > Is there a standard script that starts Spamd in deamon mode at startup?
> > Where can I find one?
> > T
After a lot fulling with rpm's, at last I installed the latest Perl and then
SA using CPAN.
Now Spamd does not start autmatically at startup, but when I start it by the
command everything works fine.
Is there a standard script that starts Spamd in deamon mode at startup?
Where can I find one?
Hi all:
I was running SA 2.5 with kmail and all was well, then I upgraded to version
2.60. Now, SA stopped pocessing incoming mail all togther.
How can I correct this.
I use RH 9 with all the updates.
Thanks for any suggestion, and sorry if this is an FAQ, I looked but could not
find the answ