I'm using qmail and SA 2.55. I have this script instead of regular qmail-
spamassassin | /var/qmail/bin/queue
This script works quite fine.
But when I have this script instead of qmail queue...:
spamassassin > /tmp/mail_file.txt
cat /tmp/mail_file.txt | /var/qmail/b
We are using qmail-sql, in that one certain user (in our case user "mail",
group "qmail") deliveres all mails and the mail accounts are written in the
database. I want to run the spamd/spamc.
When I try to check PgSQL database for some user spam settings, the user is
not found, because I delive
Believe me, it doesn't work!
You can't send any file containing message to the qmail-queue. You can send
it to the qmail-inject only and it makes a loop - that's bad! :((
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
I had this script instead of regular qmail-queue:
spamassassin | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-real
This worked almost perfectly.
I tried this script qmail-queue:
spamassassin > /tmp/mail_file.txt
cat /tmp/mail_file.txt | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-real
Why the first case forks a
I can't find the information how to manually run qmail-inject. It looks,
that it reads info from stdin, but my mail was not delivered :((
When I find it, I will publish it in this mailing list - surely
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:50:08 +0200, Ralf Guenthner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is the
how can I send the content of a real file to qmail-queue? The content of
the file is from the command
spamassassin -e > /tmp/mailfile.txt
How can I send it as a real mail to qmail?
I've tried
cat /tmp/mailfile.txt > /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue
but it doesn't work. Probably I'm doing some
I'm newbie in SA. I'm using qmail 1.03, SpamAssassin 2.55, Perl v5.8.0.
When I send a normal (not spam) mail, the this mail is delivered normaly.
When I send a spam mail, It's delivered too, but without the body and
everything processed by SA. Why? For example: the "sample-spam.txt" is