Re: [slurm-users] preemptable queue

2024-01-12 Thread Davide DelVento
Thanks Paul for taking the time to further look into this. In fact you are correct and adding a default mode (which is then overridden by each partition setting) keeps slurm happy with that configuration. Moreover (after restarting daemons, etc per the documentation) everything seems to be working

Re: [slurm-users] preemptable queue

2024-01-12 Thread Paul Edmon
My concern was you config inadvertantly having that line commented out and then seeing problems. If it wasn't then no worries at this point. We run using preempt/partition_prio on our cluster and have a mix of partitions using PreemptMode=OFF and PreemptMode=REQUEUE. So I know that combination

Re: [slurm-users] preemptable queue

2024-01-12 Thread Davide DelVento
Thanks Paul, I don't understand what you mean by having a typo somewhere. I mean, that configuration works just fine right now, whereas if I add the commented out line any slurm command will just abort with the error "PreemptType and PreemptMode values incompatible". So, assuming there is a typo,

Re: [slurm-users] preemptable queue

2024-01-12 Thread Paul Edmon
At least in the example you are showing you have PreemptType commented out, which means it will return the default. PreemptMode Cancel should work, I don't see anything in the documentation that indicates it wouldn't.  So I suspect you have a typo somewhere in your conf. -Paul Edmon- On 1/11/

[slurm-users] preemptable queue

2024-01-11 Thread Davide DelVento
I would like to add a preemptable queue to our cluster. Actually I already have. We simply want jobs submitted to that queue be preempted if there are no resources available for jobs in other (high priority) queues. Conceptually very simple, no conditionals, no choices, just what I wrote. However i