> KillMode=process
> Instead of (for ubuntu nodes)
> KillMode=control-group
> *De :* slurm-users *De la part de*
> Yair Yarom
> *Envoyé :* mardi 30 novembre 2021 08:50
> *À :* Slurm User Community List
> *Obj
De : slurm-users De la part de Yair
Envoyé : mardi 30 novembre 2021 08:50
À : Slurm User Community List
Objet : Re: [slurm-users] WTERMSIG 15
There were two cases where this happened to us as well:
1. The systemd slurmd.service wasn't configured properly, and so the jobs
There were two cases where this happened to us as well:
1. The systemd slurmd.service wasn't configured properly, and so the jobs
ran under the slurmd.slice. So by restarting slurmd, systemd will send a
signal to all processes. You can check if this is the case with 'systemctl
Hello all,
I did some modification in my slurm.conf and I’ve restarted the slurmctld on
the master and then the slurmd on the nodes.
During this process I’ve lost some jobs (*), curiously all these jobs were on
ubuntu nodes .
These jobs were ok with the consumed resources (**).
Any Idea what co