"Schneider, Gerald" writes:
> Is there any way to release the allocation manually?
I've only seen this once on our clusters, and that time it helped just
restarting slurmctld.
If this is a recurring problem, perhaps it will help to upgrade Slurm.
You are running quite an old version.
On 11/23/23 11:50, Markus Kötter wrote:
On 23.11.23 10:56, Schneider, Gerald wrote:
I have a recurring problem with allocated TRES, which are not
released after all jobs on that node are finished. The TRES are still
marked as allocated and no new jobs can't be scheduled on that node
using those
On 23.11.23 10:56, Schneider, Gerald wrote:
I have a recurring problem with allocated TRES, which are not
released after all jobs on that node are finished. The TRES are still
marked as allocated and no new jobs can't be scheduled on that node
using those TRES.
Remove the node from slurm.c
Hi there,
I have a recurring problem with allocated TRES, which are not released after
all jobs on that node are finished. The TRES are still marked as allocated and
no new jobs can't be scheduled on that node using those TRES.
$ scontrol show node node2
NodeName=node2 Arch=x86_64 CoresPerSocke