You only have one partition named 'default'
You are not allowed to name it that. Name it something else and you
should be good.
Brian Andrus
On 11/28/2024 6:52 AM, Patrick Begou via slurm-users wrote:
Hi Kent,
on your management node could you run:
systemctl status slurmctld
and check your
Thank you Brian! That was it. I named it compute and is started working.
Thanks for everyone’s help!
From: Brian Andrus via slurm-users
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 11:15 AM
Subject: [slurm-users] Re: sinfo not listing any partitions
You only
Hi Kent,
on your management node could you run:
systemctl status slurmctld
and check your 'Nodename=' and 'PartitionName=...' in
/etc/slurm.conf ? In my slurm.conf I have a more detailed description
and the Nodename Keyword start with an upper case (do'nt know if
slurm.conf is case sensit
At this point, I’d probably crank up the logging some and see what it’s saying
in slurmctld.log.
|| \\UTGERS, |---*O*---
||_// the State | Ryan Novosielski -
|| \\ University | Sr. Technolo
On 11/27/24 11:38 am, Kent L. Hanson via slurm-users wrote:
I have restarted the slurmctld and slurmd services several times. I
hashed the slurm.conf files. They are the same. I ran “sinfo -a” as root
with the same result.
Are your nodes in the `FUTURE` state perhaps? What does this show?
Hey Ryan,
I have restarted the slurmctld and slurmd services several times. I hashed the
slurm.conf files. They are the same. I ran "sinfo -a" as root with the same
From: Ryan Novosielski
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 9:31 AM
To: Kent L. Hanson
Cc: slurm-user
If you’re sure you’ve restarted everything after the config change, are you
also sure that you don’t have that stuff hidden from your current user? You can
try -a to rule that out. Or run as root.
|| \\UTGERS, |---*O*-
I'll continue to read the documentation that you have sent me and see if I
missed anything.
-Original Message-
From: Ole Holm Nielsen via slurm-users
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 8:47 AM
Subject: [slurm-users] Re: sinfo not l
Hi Kent,
This problem could perhaps be due to your firewall setup. What is your
OS, and did you install Slurm by RPM packages or what?
Does sinfo work on your SlurmctldHost=kadmin2? Is the "headnode" a
different host? Try stopping the firewalld service.
You can see some advice on firewal