Hi Brian,
We don't use MPI.
Our use model initially launches a primary task (& a few lightweight child
tasks) in the primary launch host.Thereafter, the primary task remotely
launches parallel tasks in other allocated nodes through rsh/ssh or
(preferably) a slurm equivalent app for remote task
As I think about it, that assignment of process 0's node may well be
something that is from your mpi, since that is where you can decide how
to layout the processes (pack a node or equally, etc). I would look at
the options/settings that apply to the particular flavor of mpi you are
Hi Brian,Thanks for the response!However, this particular approach where we
need to accept whatever slurm gives us as starting nodeand deal with it
accordingly doesn’t work for us.
I think there should be flexibility in slurm to switch the starting node as
requested,through some C API. This is p
Likely many ways to do this, but if you have some code that is dependent
on something, that check could be in the code itself.
So instead of process 0 being the required process to run, it would be
whichever process meets the requirements.
case hostname:
Run harold's stuff he
Seems the perfect use case for heterogeneous jobs...
Il 31/10/2024 14:18, Davide DelVento via slurm-users ha scritto:
Another possible use case of this is a regular MPI job where the first/
controller task often uses more memory than the workers and may need to
be scheduled on a higher m
Another possible use case of this is a regular MPI job where the
first/controller task often uses more memory than the workers and may need
to be scheduled on a higher memory node than them. I think I saw this
happening in the past, but I'm not 100% sure it was in Slurm or some other
scheduling sys
Just to add some context here. We plan to use slurm for developing a sched
solution which interacts with a backend system.
Now, the backend system has pieces of h/w which require specific host in the
allocation to be the primary/master host wherein the initial task would be
launched, thi