Re: [slurm-users] Job not running of the specified node

2019-07-09 Thread Marcus Wagner
Hi mahmood, yes that is totally normal. please use sbatch instead of salloc. If you use salloc, you just create an allocation. You would normally srun to that allocation. To be clear, salloc does not create a batchjob, which gets executed on the remote host. After salloc returns (which migh

[slurm-users] Job not running of the specified node

2019-07-09 Thread Mahmood Naderan
Hi, I use the following script for qemu run #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodelist=compute-0-1 #SBATCH --cores=8 #SBATCH --mem=40G #SBATCH --partition=QEMU #SBATCH --account=q20_8 USERN=`whoami` qemu-system-x86_64 -m 4 -smp cores=8 -hda win7_sp1_x64.img -boot c -usbdevice tablet -enable-kvm -device e