Thanks John!
Great idea.
De: slurm-users en nombre de John
Responder a: Slurm User Community List
Fecha: lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018, 10:04
Para: Slurm User Community List
Asunto: Re: [slurm-users] Force run a waiting job
Alfonso, the way I would do this is to put all the users jobs
Alfonso, the way I would do this is to put all the users jobs on hold,
using scontrol hold
Then change the limits , then release the job you want to run.
this is probably not the smartest way to achieve this.
On 28 May 2018 at 09:53, Pardo Diaz Alfonso wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a list of use
I've a list of users. One of them, has multiple jobs, some running, some
waiting due his limits. He asks me if I can put one of these waiting jobs in
running (I have free resources).
How I can put a job running, and only a specific job? If I give him more
resources, may be can run other of