On 7/7/20 5:57 pm, Jason Simms wrote:
Failed to look up user weissp: No such process
That looks like the user isn't known to the node. What do these say:
id weissp
getent passwd weissp
Which version of Slurm is this?
All the best,
Chris Samuel : http://www.csamuel.org/ : Ber
Now that is interesting. If I do:
loginctl enable-linger weissp
Then I get the following error:
Failed to look up user weissp: No such process
This is one of the users that always fails. But if I run it for myself with:
loginctl enable-linger simmsj
Everything works (as expected).
Any though
Hi Jason,
What happens when you try to run that command on the node? Is the exit
status of the command 0?
e.g. for my servers, where lingering is masked, I get
[root@thespian-gpgpu001 ~]# loginctl enable-linger scrosby
Could not enable linger: Unit is masked.
[root@thespian-gpgpu001 ~]# echo $?