I am working out the details of scrontab. My initial testing is giving me
an unsolvable question
Within scrontab editor I have the following example from the slurm
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *
When I save it, scrontab marks the line
I am looking to track accounting and job data. Slurm requires the use of
MySQL or MariaDB. Has anyone created the needed tables within PostGreSQL
then had slurmdbd write to it? Any problems?
Thank you in advance!
Sandor Felho
Bill - thank you for the code.
For the record, our queues explicitly block any requests greater than what the
queue allows - MaxMemPerNode = 64 GiB's.
If there are any other ideas, feel free to comment.
From: slurm-users on behalf of Bill
We are running:
* OS: RHEL 7
* cgroups version 1
* slurm: 19.05
Thank you,
Sandor Felho
Sr Consultant, Data Science & Analytics