Have you checked if SELinux is perhaps blocking this?
Give a 'getenforce' command. If it reports back 'Enforcing' , then issue
'setenforce 0' and retry
Jan-Albert van Ree
Jan-Albert van Ree | HPC Specialist | Digital Services
MARIN | T +31 317
OK so OpenMPI works fine. That means SLURM, OFED and hardware are fine.
Which mvapich2 package are you using, a home built one or one provided by
Bright ?
Jan-Albert van Ree | Linux System Administrator | Digital Services
MARIN | T +31 317 49 35 48 | j.a.v@marin.n
SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --job-name=P8.000_test
#SBATCH --time=2:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20
#SBATCH --begin=now
#SBATCH --error=errors
#SBATCH --output=output
​source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
module load mvapich2/gcc/64/2.3b
mpiexec -n 40 ./hello
Good luck!
Jan-Albert van
Jan-Albert van Ree | Linux System Administrator | Digital Services
MARIN | T +31 317 49 35 48 | mailto:j.a.v@marin.nl | http://www.marin.nl
It helps a lot indeed ; we run arrays up to 100k elements and more. If you
submit 100k separate jobs, the scheduler will definately grind to a halt.
Jan-Albert van Ree | Linux System Administrator | Digital Services
MARIN | T +31 317 49 35 48 | mailto:j.a.v@marin.nl | http://www.marin.nl
Just install the default CentOS RPM package environment-modules and play with
it. If you're at home in bash you'll pick it up in minutes.
All default