we use slurm 17.02.10 with
AccountingStorageType=accounting_storage/filetxt. We've noticed that the
output from 'sacct --format=MaxVMSize,NCPUS' works for srun jobs, but
not for sbatch jobs. Has anyone a idea what the reason is?
Best regards,
Hello, we compiled slurm version 17.02.10 a while ago and we have the
problem that slurm sends no e-mails. Nullmailer is installed on the
systems and works fine and the parameter
MailProg=/usr/sbin/nullmailer-send is set in the slurm.conf. Any of you
got any advice? Best, Marcel
we compiled slurm version 17.02.10 a while ago and we have the problem
that slurm sends no e-mails. Nullmailer is installed on the systems and
works fine and the parameter MailProg=/usr/sbin/nullmailer-send is set
in the slurm.conf. Any of you got any advice?
Thanks for the hint, Chris!
Best regards,
Am 04.05.2018 um 16:06 schrieb Chris Samuel:
> On Friday, 4 May 2018 4:25:04 PM AEST Marcel Sommer wrote:
>> Does anyone have an explanation for this?
> I think you're asking for functionality that is only supported wit
I have Slurm 17.02.10 installed in a test environment. When I use sacct
-o "JobID,JobName,AllocCPUs,ReqMem,Elapsed" and AccountingStorageType =
accounting_storage/filetxt, the fields AllocCPUS and ReqMem are empty.
JobIDJobName AllocCPUS ReqMemElapsed
I have Slurm 17.02.10 installed in a test environment. When I use sacct
-o "JobID,JobName,AllocCPUs,ReqMem,Elapsed" and AccountingStorageType =
accounting_storage/filetxt, the fields AllocCPUS and ReqMem are empty.
JobIDJobName AllocCPUS ReqMemElapsed
I have Slurm 17.02.10 installed in a test environment. When I use sacct
-o "JobID,JobName,AllocCPUs,ReqMem,Elapsed" and AccountingStorageType =
accounting_storage/filetxt, the fields AllocCPUS and ReqMem are empty.
JobIDJobName AllocCPUS ReqMemElapsed