Yes, that would be great if you can put it on github or somewhere.
On Thu, Jul 21, 2022 at 7:11 AM Markus Kötter wrote:
> Hi,
> I maintain debian packages for
>* slurm
>* auks
>* pyxis
> on
>* debian bullseye
>* ubuntu bionic / 18.04 (DGXOS 4.x)
>* ubu
In the past we've been using Centos 7 with slurm.spec file provided by
schedmd to build the rpms. This is working great where we can deploy the
rpms and perform upgrades via puppet.
As we are moving to Ubuntu. I noticed there are some repositories that
provide prepackaged files such as slurm-wlm a
You can look into the CR_LLN feature. It works fairly well in our environment
and jobs are distributed evenly.
From: slurm-users on behalf of Timo
Sent: Thursday,
We use the elasticsearch plugin. This information is kept in there.
From: slurm-users on behalf of Gestió
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2020 3:39:33 AM
Subject: [slurm-users] How to get command from a finished job
We would like to block certain nodes from accepting interactive jobs. Is this
possible on slurm?
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Luis Huang | Systems Administrator II, Research Computing
New York Genome Center
101 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
O: (646) 977-7291<>
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error: _is_a_lwp: open()
/proc/151191/status failed: No such file or directory
Has anyone seen this issue before?
Luis Huang | Systems Administrator II, Research Computing
New York Genome Center
101 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013
O: (646) 977-7291