I'm confused. Why can't they just use a multi-node job, and have the
job script farm out the individual tasks to the various workers through
some mechanism (srun, mpirun, ssh, etc.)? AFAIK, there's nothing
preventing a job from using resources on multiple hosts. The job just
needs to have so
packages from SchedMD and they begin part way through 2024 so that
won't work.
I'm very surprised Ubuntu let a package through without a source
package for it. I'm hoping I'm not seeing the tree through the forest
in finding that package.
Thanks for the help!
I'm not sure what version is in the Ubuntu packages, as I don't think
they're provided by SchedMD, and I'm having trouble finding the right
one on packages.ubuntu.com. Having said that, SchedMD is pretty good
about using tags in their github repo
(https://github.com/schedmd/slurm), to