23" and "sreport cluster utilization start=12/1/23" both report
empty tables.
Craig Stark, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
Director, Facility for Imaging and Brain Research (FIBRE)
Director, Campus Center for Neuroimaging (CCNI)
School of Biological Scien
This ticket with SchedMD implies it's a munged issue:
Is the munge daemon running on all sys
| slurm | localhost | *D6665ECF4F3CB12BCA836117F7727B6D0B78D644 |
4 rows in set (0.002 sec)
Any thoughts as to where I might look to fix this?
Ok, thanks. "Coordinating" with sys admins is problematic so I guess
I'll just continue with the internal pmix and keep an eye out for problems.
At least I know I'm not doing anything blatantly stupid.
On 3/27/23 20:46, Pritchard Jr., Howard wrote:
HI Craig,
Its not
have to figure out a way to determine what that was/is.
On 3/27/23 15:28, Pritchard Jr., Howard wrote:
HI Craig,
Your use of the –with-pmix on the open mpi configure line is
important. Without any args to this configure option open mpi
configure will first check if there’s an externa
srun: MPI types are...
srun: none
srun: openmpi
srun: pmix_v3
srun: pmi2
srun: pmix
but I'm not sure that tells me much about how I am supposed to be
building OpenMPI?
On 3/27/23 14:41, Pritchard Jr., Howard wrote:
HI Craig,
If you run
srun –mpi=list
what does slurm report?
Can someone please clarify the "best practices" for building OpenMPI
compatible with Slurm?
https://slurm.schedmd.com/mpi_guide.html#open_mpi tells me what I _can_
do but I'm unclear as to what I _should_ do.
I've built OpenMPI 4.1.5 with: --with-pmix --with-libevent=internal
use /usr/local/software/jureca/OtherStages
module load Stages/2018b
module load Intel IntelMPI
cd /p/project///gprMax
source activate gprMax
mpiexec.hydra -n 1 python -m gprMax user_models/cylinder_Bscan_2D.in -n 47 -mpi
Kind regards,
Dr Craig Warren CEng MIMechE MIET FHEA