Changing SelectTypeParameters to CR_Core_Memory still does not
guarantee cyclic core allocation. I dig into Slurm source code and
find another potential issues in select/cons_res plugin.
For detail:
崔灏 (CUI Hao) 于2018年10月6日周六 上午10:15写道:
restarting slurmctld will interrupt current tasks, so
I'm still waiting for them to finish.
崔灏 (CUI Hao) 于2018年10月5日周五 下午10:12写道:
> According to,
> > The default allocation method within a node is cyclic allocation (allocate
> >
I really hope to get the default cylic allocation behaviour, so that
CPU jobs won't take up cores assigned to GPU devices. Any idea what's
wrong with our configs?
崔灏 / CUI Hao
Twitter: @cuihaoleo
f it is a bug hasn't been fixed in
17.02.10, or something went wrong with our configuration?
Here is our gres.conf:
NodeName=wmc-slave-g[1-3] Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia[0-1] CPUs=0-11
NodeName=wmc-slave-g[1-3] Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia[2-3] CPUs=12-23