Re: [slurm-users] Prevent users from updating their jobs

2021-12-16 Thread Bill Wichser
Indeed. We use this and BELIEVE that it works, lol! Bill function slurm_job_modify ( job_desc, job_rec, part_list, modify_uid ) if modify_uid == 0 then return 0 end if job_desc.qos ~= nil then return 1 end return 0 end On

Re: [slurm-users] Changing DefaultAccount for user

2021-11-23 Thread Bill Wichser
I usually add "withassoc" for a show user sacctmgr show user loris withassoc Bill On 11/23/21 9:07 AM, Loris Bennett wrote: sacctmgr show user loris accounts

Re: [slurm-users] sreport question when specifying partitions=

2021-11-10 Thread Bill Wichser
Dammit! Completely forgot that I have these right here in my home directory! And I probably used your tools last year when I generated the report. Thank you Ole for making me remember! Bill On 11/10/21 3:08 PM, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote: On 10-11-2021 16:56, Bill Wichser wrote: I can't

Re: [slurm-users] sreport question when specifying partitions=

2021-11-10 Thread Bill Wichser
ow of a way to do cluster reports by partition and I get a similar error when running the cluster report with partitions options set.  Not sure how it's working for Loris...  - Michael On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 8:34 AM Loris Bennett>> wrote:

[slurm-users] sreport question when specifying partitions=

2021-11-10 Thread Bill Wichser
I can't seem to figure out how to do a query against a partition. sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser user=bill cluster=della, no issues. Works as expected. sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser Partitions=cpu cluster=della gives me Unknown condition: Partitions=cpu and then print

Re: [slurm-users] Weird one - deleting a user

2021-07-27 Thread Bill Wichser
those jobs with sacctmgr. sacctmgr show RunawayJobs This will list the runaway jobs, and if any will ask if you want to fix them. Regards, Carlos On Tue, 27 Jul 2021 at 22:49, Bill Wichser <>> wrote: [root@della5

[slurm-users] Weird one - deleting a user

2021-07-27 Thread Bill Wichser
[root@della5 bill]# sacctmgr -i delete user mable Error with request: Job(s) active, cancel job(s) before remove JobID = 602995 C = tukey A = politics U = mable Yup, when a user has an active job they cannot be deleted from the database. The thing is, this cluster tukey has been o

Re: [slurm-users] tie a reservation to a QoS?

2019-10-28 Thread Bill Wichser
One thing we changed years ago was to think about things differently. While researchers are in fact buying nodes for the cluster, it's rarely the case that they get any rights to "their" nodes. Instead they are buying CPU time in an equivalent way but it gets averaged over 30 days. We provide

Re: [slurm-users] increasing timelimit on array jobs no longer supported?

2019-06-13 Thread Bill Wichser
Thanks. Had no problem setting the individual element of the array. Just thought that it worked differently in the past! Memory apparently isn't what it used to be! Thanks again, Bill On 6/13/19 10:25 AM, Jacob Jenson wrote: scontrol show job

[slurm-users] increasing timelimit on array jobs no longer supported?

2019-06-13 Thread Bill Wichser
# scontrol update jobid=3136818 timelimit+=30-00:00:00 scontrol: error: TimeLimit increment/decrement not supported for job arrays This is new to 18.08.7 it appears. Am I just missing something here? Bill

[slurm-users] Power9 ACC922

2019-04-16 Thread Bill Wichser
Does anyone on this list run Slurm on the Sierra-like machines from IBM? I believe they are the ACC922 nodes. We are looking to purchase a small cluster of these nodes but have concerns about the scheduler. Just looking for a nod that, yes it works fine, as well as any issues seen during dep

Re: [slurm-users] Lua Job Submit - Setting Features/Constraints

2018-12-19 Thread Bill Wichser
Yes. We use something like this if job_desc.features == nil then job_desc.features = "special" else job_desc.features = job_desc.features .. ",special" end Bill On 12/19/2018 09:27 AM, Kevin Manalo wrote: Is it safe to

Re: [slurm-users] How to check if there's a reservation

2018-05-11 Thread Bill Wichser
The problem is that reservations can be in there yet have no effect on the submitted job if they would run before the reservation takes place. One can pull the starting time simply using something like this scontrol show res -o | awk '{print $2}' with output StartTime=2018-06-12T06:00:00 Star