[slurm-users] How to get the path to original sbatch script

2018-05-25 Thread
Hi, everyone I just found the sbatch will copy the original sbatch script to a new place and I cannot get the path to original sbatch script. Is there any method to solve it? I am using the path to copy related files. I need to populate a scratch folder to run my job. Di Cheng Engineer of Resear

[slurm-users] How to find user limit in SLURM

2018-05-20 Thread
Hi everyone, I am using SLURM as a normal user. I want to find the usage limit of my user. I can access the slurm's config via `scontrol show config`. But it is my user's limit. I can find the account of my user by `sacctmgr show user di`. But I cannot find the QOS or usage limit of my user. Is

[slurm-users] problem: cannot srun with jobid and nodelist to run paraview server as additional job step on existing allocated nodes

2017-11-20 Thread
Hi everyone, In my practice, I usually reserve a lot of nodes using `salloc` command and run tasks using `mpirun`. And now I want to do it in slurm's way. I saw in the document that I can add job steps using `srun` using `--jobid` and `--nodelist` option. However, I found that I cannot run paravie