Thanks for the help all,
We ended up setting up a test slurm controller with 20.11 version and was
able to confirm preemption works across partitions, with the same nodes, as
expected. We updated our prod version from 20.02 to 20.11, while leaving
(for now) the slurmd's at various 20.02.X versions
Hi Sean,
Thanks for the suggestion, seems to work now.
On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 12:56 PM Sean Crosby wrote:
> Hi Amjad,
> Make sure you have qos in the config entry AccountingStorageEnforce
> e.g.
> AccountingStorageEnforce=associations,limits,qos,safe
> Sean
> -
I'm immediately running into an issue when updating our Gentoo packages:
> checking for netloc installation...
> configure: error: unable to locate netloc installation
That happens even though --without-netloc was specified when configuring.
Looking at the following patch:
Hi Amjad,
Make sure you have qos in the config entry AccountingStorageEnforce
From: slurm-users on behalf of Amjad
Sent: Friday, 27 August 2021 20:28
Subject: [
Hello all
We are having an issue understanding user association and partition.
Currently we have a partition with 30 GPU cards .
We have defined a qos gpu-rtx that allows user to reserve 2 cards
sacctmgr show qos gpu-rtx format=MaxTRESPU%60