I'd probably write a shell function that would calculate the time required, and
add it as a command-line parameter to sbatch. We do a similar thing for easier
interactive shells in our /etc/profile.d folder on the login node:
function hpcshell() {
srun --partition=interactive $@ --pty bash -i
Interesting idea, thanks. I don't think this looks like the likely cause
# lsof | wc -l
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
This is on one of the nodes which had failures. The number of open files is
tiny compared to the limit. I know there's a per-process limit, but given th
Hi Florian, and first of all , thanks for this single line command which
is already quite a lot; To give it a bit more sense, I will compute the
remaining time until the reservation ends, so just changing $2 in $3 in
your command
# WEEKRESEND=$(scontrol show res | head -n1 | awk '{print $3}' |