Hi Matthew,
yes, I have.
I just needed to install libssh2-devel, then the native support will be
built in:
$> ldd slurmstepd
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x7fff4dbef000)
libslurmfull.so => /opt/slurm/lib64/slurm/libslurmfull.so
libhwloc.so.5 => /usr/l
> What are people's thoughts and what are people using?
Since chrony is coming installed by default and for "normal" machines
we don't need any of the esoteric features of ntpd, I've been
switching over to chrony if it's the OS default.
(I guess it's now the same as 'why do I need to run sendmail,
Hi all,
As part of both Munge and SLURM, time synchronised servers are necessary.
I keep finding chrony installed and running and ntpd stopped. I turn chrony
off and restart/enable ntpd but every CentOS point update it seems to flip.
>From what I've read ntpd is better for always on devices, and