hat is the best way to go about doing that
without disrupting existing jobs? I understand that this will reduce the
overall utilization of the cluster.
Gary Jackson
On 3/16/16, 6:21 PM, "Dave Love,,," wrote:
>"Jackson, Gary L." writes:
>> I've paint
I've painted myself in to a corner with all.q. Now I have many long-running
jobs in that queue and no way to run shorter testing and debugging jobs.
How do I carve a separate queue out of my current resources without disrupting
either running or currently queued jobs? Existing jobs currently ru
This is may be what's messing you up:
export PATH=/ansys_inc/v170/ansys
This sets your path to that directory exclusively, which means all sorts of
things aren't going to work. You probably want this instead:
export PATH=/ansys_inc/v170/ansys:$PATH
However, since you're not using ANSYS, you
I’d like to run multithreaded jobs on a cluster that has previously been used
exclusively for serial jobs. The problem is that serial jobs are bypassing the
parallel jobs despite the parallel jobs having higher priority. Since an entire
node never comes free, a parallel job will never run. How
purpose of this is to reduce turnaround time on the parallel jobs at the
expense of delaying serial jobs.
Gary Jackson
On 9/13/17, 4:44 PM, "Reuti" wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Am 13.09.2017 um 19:15 schrieb Jacks
in, I want them to run before any serial jobs with lower priority.
Gary Jackson
On 9/14/17, 10:07 AM, "Reuti" wrote:
Maybe I don't get it in the right way:
> Am 14.09.2017 um 15:41 schrieb Jackson, Gary L. :
> Tha