[Sdcc-user] libdev18f4550.lib not found on fedora 24 (sdcc + piklab)

2016-09-13 Thread Leonardo
Hello all, i'm facing a problem using sdcc + piklab here. currently it compiles my hello world quite well, however the link step (from .o file to .hex) seems problematic. the commands created by piklab to compile and link follows: sdcc --use-non-free -mpic16 -p18f4550 -V --debug -I/home/sombrik

Re: [Sdcc-user] libdev18f4550.lib not found on fedora 24 (sdcc + piklab)

2016-09-14 Thread Leonardo
install a snapshot or compile it > from source? > > Could you write the version number of it? ( sdcc -v ) > > I think the device library files for pic16 devices should be in this > directory: > > /usr/share/sdcc/non-free/lib/pic16 > > Regards, > > Zsolt > >

Re: [Sdcc-user] libdev18f4550.lib not found on fedora 24 (sdcc + piklab)

2016-09-15 Thread Leonardo
/sdcc/lib/pic16/libio18f4550.lib [sombriks@sephiroth ~]$ Em qui, 15 de set de 2016 às 13:54, Milan Baša escreveu: > Hello. > Why Piklab and no Mplabx with SDCC support? > > Dňa 14.09.2016 o 07:18 Leonardo napísal(a): > > Hello all, > > > > i'm facing a prob