void io_write(uint8 addr, uint8 val) {
io_addr = addr;
io_val = val;
push af
push bc
ld a,(_io_val)
ld bc,(_io_addr)
out (c),a
pop bc
pop af
Best regards,
Indy Sams
According to wikipedia: "Only a few minor instructions were new to the
8085 above the 8080 set."
Best regards,
Indy Sams
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today
capable of managing
DB> bank-switched memory, so that I can just malloc() away to my heart's
DB> content?
DB> If not, and I go ahead and implement something, would this functionality
DB> fit in SDCC? I'm suspicious that it wouldn't, as it's specific to just
t simply to link the startup module first with the
AC> start code first in the code segment and just leave _CODE as 0.
AC> Alan