While LED blinking and timer interrupts re working now, I wasn't able to
get serial I/O to work yet. I only see garbage (all received bytes are
either 0x00 or 0x80).
I tried to port my "Hello, world!" that I already got working for many
other mcs51 variants:
int putchar(int c
It seems the tolerances in baudrate variation are quite low in the board
/ serial converter combination used. I wasn't able to get the UART
working at the default SYSCLK, not even at 300 baud (1.54% deviation in
baudrate). Using a 24.5 Mhz SYSCLK, it works fine at 300 baud (0.15%
deviation in baudr
> While LED blinking and timer interrupts re working now, I wasn't able to
> get serial I/O to work yet. I only see garbage (all received bytes are
> either 0x00 or 0x80).
> I tried to port my "Hello, world!" that I already got working for many
> other mcs51 variants:
> #include
> #include