: Open
Discussion Lock: Any
Follow-up Comments:
Date: Thu 02 Nov 2023 08:19:47 PM UTC By: Kurt Fitzner
A new group has been registered at Savannah.
This group will remain inactive u
Follow-up Comment #3, task #16459 (project administration):
I've removed the postal address and changed it to the URL as currently
specified. I will upload a new tarball shortly.
With respect to one file, protocol.txt, I could use some advice. It is not
part of the program per se, it is the pro
Follow-up Comment #5, task #16459 (project administration):
I clearly should have read
https://savannah.nongnu.org/register/requirements.php more carefully.
During the authoring of a more contentful reply, I discovered to my
astonishment that while a non-copyleft license is perfectly acceptable f