[task #16497] Submission of Andesaurux

2024-02-05 Thread Anatoliy6463
Follow-up Comment #6, task#16497 (group administration): I wrote FLOSS to make people know, that I talk about free speech, not free beer ___ Reply to this item at: _

[task #16497] Submission of Andesaurux

2024-02-05 Thread Anatoliy6463
Follow-up Comment #5, task#16497 (group administration): Oh, i changed license to GNU GPL, original here: https://github.com/Anatoliy6463/Andesaurux ___ Reply to this item at: ___

[task #16497] Submission of Andesaurux

2024-02-05 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #4, task#16497 (group administration): Your new submission still has so many issues, I even have to doubt that you've ever read our hosting requirements. You misidentified the license your package uses, your files miss valid copyright and license notices, your README says it's [