Follow-up Comment #19, task #15348 (project administration):
Mature people accept their failures and see the reality as it is, not as one
wishes it to be. The GNU project, though very helpful, was only partially
successful. Now there is no OS that can be called GNU.
Thanks for the review.
Update of task #15348 (project administration):
Status: In Progress => Cancelled
Open/Closed:Open => Closed
Follow-up Comment #18:
> Respect
Follow-up Comment #17, task #15348 (project administration):
Thanks for the reply.
Okay. So the only remaining point is the system name.
> "GNU+Linux" will do; if your respect is so great, you could call it just
Respect doesn't justify using misnomers and seeing the reality in a distor
Follow-up Comment #16, task #15348 (project administration):
> Actually I'm paying great attention to the notices, thanks to what I've
learned from people like you. But README and the example files do not
constitute the main part of this project. It's very unlikely that one day we
face a dispute o