Follow-up Comment #30, task #14832 (project administration):
1. The sxml files were removed. It no longer matters that I could not add
notices to them. To answer your question, there was no way to add notices
without corrupting the file so that the tools that used it would not crash.
2. I used th
Follow-up Comment #68, task #14578 (project administration):
Did you take time to see in the latest gdsl archive that every file (including
.js, .css, .html) is now embedding notice as Savannah policies expect? I guess
everything is fine now, and I think nothing was forgotten this time...
Follow-up Comment #67, task #14578 (project administration):
It looks like your code sometimes adds invalid notices, e.g. it may say that a
third-party file is copyrighted by you.
Some files still have no notices.
I've just noticed another issue: Savannah requires that the hosted packages
Follow-up Comment #29, task #14832 (project administration):
> I explained below that the .sxml files are metadata machine generated files
that are included in a provided example flow.
I understand that they are examples and that they are generated; still I don't
see why they have no notices.
Update of task #14887 (project administration):
Status:None => Cancelled
Assigned to:None => ineiev
Open/Closed:Open => Closed