Follow-up Comment #31, task #14793 (project administration):
What worries me is that I am left with code that has an incorrect or
incomplete license. From your comments it is not clear what is wrong. You just
state that I do not comprehend Savannah policies, which is vague.
Are you aware of a for
Follow-up Comment #30, task #14793 (project administration):
I understand that the job isn't easy, however, it isn't sufficient just to
follow my suggestions, you should be willing to follow Savannah policies, and
you didn't want to comprehend them.
Follow-up Comment #3, task #14837 (project administration):
I'm sorry, this doesn't convince me.
2/ You admitted this error as early as in admission (in several places: in the
description you submitted, in your tarball, in the homepage you referred to, I don't believe you