What about the project opening of Bengali Translation Team??I'm already start my translation.Best reagrds,SuzanOn 7/15/06, Alex Muntada
Follow-up Comment #2, task #5713 (project administration):Go ahead with the new translation team for Bengali.BTW, I'm replacing my emai
Update of task #5716 (project administration):
Status: Need Info => In Progress
Follow-up Comment #3:
This will take a little while to complete. This registration entry will be
Follow-up Comment #3, task #5693 (project administration):
If I understood correctly, you're using files from
http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kbd/ but the copyright holder of those
file is unknown.
In this case, I personaly cannot find out who the copyright holder is. You
need to ask peopl
Follow-up Comment #2, task #5693 (project administration):
Thank you.
The ppm files contain my copyright notices. You can read them with a
The css and xpm files contain a "public domain" notice.
Well, perhaps I should write a README for the png files in the html
Update of task #5718 (project administration):
Status: Wait reply => Done
Open/Closed:Open => Closed
Follow-up Comment #3:
I have
Update of task #5693 (project administration):
Status: In Progress => Done
Assigned to: tizzef => Beuc
Open/Closed:Open => Closed