[Savannah-register-public] [task #5204] Submission of markonvert

2006-01-23 Thread Francesco Poli
URL: Summary: Submission of markonvert Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: frx Submitted on: Tue 01/24/06 at 01:23 Should Start On: Tue 01/24/06 at 00:00

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5185] Submission of The Billy-Bob Ming Project

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5185 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => kickino ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5168] Submission of cms-bandits

2006-01-23 Thread Sylvain Beucler
Follow-up Comment #2, task #5168 (project administration): Hi, [Please use the URL mentioned at the end of this mail to reply] Let me precise my question: we only accept projects if Savannah is the main development location, it can't be only a mirror. Since you already have a SF account, can yo

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5188] Submission of X.509 Cert

2006-01-23 Thread Sylvain Beucler
Update of task #5188 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => Beuc ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, Can yo

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5174] Submission of Scientific Publications Manager

2006-01-23 Thread Yang Zhang
Follow-up Comment #4, task #5174 (project administration): I'd like to migrate to Savannah and make development happen here instead of SourceForge. I wasn't going to simply make savannah a mirror site. ___ Reply to this item at:

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5189] Submission of Sibylle

2006-01-23 Thread Michel Billard Sirakawa
URL: Summary: Submission of Sibylle Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: sirakawa Submitted on: lun 23.01.2006 à 15:12 Should Start On: lun 23.01.2006 à 0

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5188] Submission of X.509 Cert

2006-01-23 Thread Bernhard Fastenrath
URL: Summary: Submission of X.509 Cert Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: fasten Submitted on: Mon 01/23/06 at 14:05 Should Start On: Mon 01/23/06 at 00

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5154] Submission of NetSwitch

2006-01-23 Thread Andrei Mihaila
Follow-up Comment #5, task #5154 (project administration): Hi, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. infoiasi.ro is the domain of my faculty. Unfortunately the students server (actually the whole domain) was down last night, I don't know why. This was twice a problem for me as I had to download/

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5172] Submission of Space Tools

2006-01-23 Thread Jose E. Marchesi
I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. Thanks. At first, please provide us with a tarball. I am not willing to review every file of source code manually, sorry. Done. http://es.gnu.org/~jemarch/downloads/stools-rev.tgz So please fix licen

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5179] Submission of Parma Polyhedra Library

2006-01-23 Thread Roberto Bagnara
Follow-up Comment #2, task #5179 (project administration): Sorry, I really don't understand what is wrong with the Wachtdog/src/* files. They have been compiled in the same way as the src/* files. I have never wanted to change the GPL terms. The GPL and the FDL are provided in three different

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5174] Submission of Scientific Publications Manager

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Follow-up Comment #3, task #5174 (project administration): Savannah is a central point for development, distribution and maintenance of GNU Software. There is a companion site savannah.nongnu.org where we also host Free Software projects that are not part of the GNU Project, but run on free plat

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5172] Submission of Space Tools

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5172 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => kickino ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5181] Submission of Pympa - MPEG Audio Utility

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5181 (project administration): Status:None => Done Open/Closed:Open => Closed ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5179] Submission of Parma Polyhedra Library

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5179 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => kickino ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5174] Submission of Scientific Publications Manager

2006-01-23 Thread Yang Zhang
Follow-up Comment #2, task #5174 (project administration): Sure thing, here it is: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/pubmgr/pubmgr-0.1.tgz?download ___ Reply to this item at:

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5178] Submission of majilux : serveur de clients légers pour

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5178 (project administration): Status:None => Cancelled Assigned to:None => kickino Open/Closed:Open => Closed __

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5176] Submission of Qualification and Selection of Opensourc

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5176 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => kickino ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5175] Submission of laocoon

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5175 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => kickino ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5174] Submission of Scientific Publications Manager

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5174 (project administration): Status:None => Wait reply Assigned to:None => kickino ___ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5173] Submission of TwinLisp

2006-01-23 Thread Sebastian Wieseler
Update of task #5173 (project administration): Status:None => Done Open/Closed:Open => Closed ___ Follow-up Comment #2: Hi, I'm eva

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5128] Submission of PHP based program to manage members of a

2006-01-23 Thread anonymous
Follow-up Comment #8, task #5128 (project administration): Hi, sorry, but this time I don't really understand what I have to do. First of all, I have no includes/ with html files in there. All the php or css files in there contain the license and copyright notice of GPL as you have requested. I