> if you have some ideas about
webalizer that we could run at Savannah this could be interesting too
(we've not setup a log analysis solution yet).
Such a log splitting system as I suggested will also need access to a
list of valid projects. Otherwise, rendom accesses to invalid project
Sylvain Beucler wrote:
Hello Sylvain
I modified the configuration to separate the audio-video logs. We now
have to find a way to publish them to you. Maybe some basic http
authentication could do the trick?
Yes. That should be fine, as I can set wget to use username/password,
also use resume
I maintain the audio-video.gnu.org media repository, served from savannah.
I upload to my account on Fencepost (nickhill) via ssh/rsync which
periodically updates audio-video.gnu.org served from savannah.
As maintainer for the AV site, i get very little / no feedback about my
efforts from users.
I did not request the following:
Someone (presumably you) on the savannah.gnu.org site requested a
password change through email verification.If this was not you, this
could pose a security risk for the system.
The request came from p116xji.dsl2.sentex.ca
(IP: port: 3008)nwith Mozi