thanks for your response.
Actually I can not use the CVS Version. I installed the Sane-Server on a ASUS
WL500gP-Router with a light-Linux-Version. The normal ./configure, make, make
install, will not work on that mashine. I installed it via IPKG. It seems that
the IPKG-Package was not upda
SANE for my ASUS-router.
> Datum: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 08:50:45 -0400
> Von: "m. allan noah"
> An: Oliver Polch
> CC: Nicolas Martin , sane-devel at
> lists.alioth.debian.org
> Betreff: Re: [sane-devel] ERROR DURING R
o my version of SANE
without crosscomopiling it?
> Datum: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:27:10 +0100
> Von: Nicolas Martin
> An: Oliver Polch
> CC: sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> Betreff: Re: [sane-devel] ERROR DURING READ:
Hi everybody,
I compiled sane-backends (latest version) on my router (Asus Wl500gP).
Everything works fine. MP830 works without any problem. Now I also have a hp
psc 1500 connected but it does not work. I installed hplip from ipk-package.
sane-find-scanner gives the right output, but scanimage -