Scanning a blank page at 150 dpi, 24 bit, simplex, using Canon's
CaptureOnTouch and Usb Sniffer from
58 MB log
sane-devel mailing list:
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:08 PM, Nicolas Marchildon
> > wrote:
> >> Scanning a blank page at 150 dpi, 24 bit, simplex, using Canon's
> >> CaptureOnTouch and Usb Sniffer from
> >>
rrently don't handle having this kind of mixed data in
> one log. I could update them I suppose, but it would be easier to get
> a smaller log- can you try bypassing the hub when making the log?
> Connect the scanner directly to the machine?
> allan
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 a
e-backends git snapshot, and try the code? You might have
> to run as root user until we get the permissions sorted out.
> allan
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Nicolas Marchildon
> wrote:
> > After few attempts (reboot, locked device, etc.), I managed to sniff only
> &
Le mar. 31 mars 2015 à 17:41, m. allan noah a écrit :
> SANE_DEBUG_CANON_DR=25 scanimage --resolution 150 > foo.pnm 2> drc225.log
See attached. The command hangs after the glibc error. Ctrl-c prints:
^Cscanimage: received signal 2
scanimage: trying to stop scanner
[canon_dr] sane_cancel: star
Le mar. 31 mars 2015 à 20:55, m. allan noah a écrit :
> The image format from this machine is nothing like that from the
> DR-C125, and our attempt to descramble it using the same functions fails.
Oh, that's sad.
> Can you get another usb log from windows, but this time with a low
> resolutio
Le mar. 31 mars 2015 à 21:56, Nicolas Marchildon a
écrit :
> Can you get another usb log from windows, but this time with a low
>> resolution, color duplex scan, of only the top of the paper? If the
>> front side could have RGB written in those colors, and the back side
>> c
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Nicolas Marchildon
> wrote:
> > Le mar. 31 mars 2015 à 21:56, Nicolas Marchildon
> a
> > écrit :
> >>>
> >>> Can you get another usb log from windows, but this time with a low
> >>> resolution, color duplex
send me a compressed version of test.log?
> allan
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 7:45 PM, Nicolas Marchildon
> wrote:
> > Duplex & resolution appear to be interpreted, since the number of files
> and
> > scanning speed varies, but the ouput is always a black image.
> &