I just upgraded to RedHat 7.3, which ships with sane 1.0.7 and my HP IIcx
stopped working, I mean that no frontend would talk to it (scanimage, kooka,
xsane). I then down-graded to sane 1.0.5, and the scanner works again. The
log below shows how I first upgrade to sane 1.0.7, the diagnosti
Thanks to a previous post by Oliver Schwartz
(http://www.mostang.com/pipermail/sane-devel/2002-May/003603.html) that my
problem appears to be caused by a problem with the particular rpm. On
upgrading some links don't get fixed.
Uninstalling the RedHat package and then installing the 1.0.7 packag
Try completely uninstalling sane. Make sure the lib/sane directory is gone and
do a fresh install. There a re some previous posts on this.
Did you upgrade using the rpm that comes with RedHat 7.3?
- Jost
On Sunday 12 May 2002 01:37 pm, Morten Arnesen wrote:
> hi !
> i just upgraded sane to 1
1 root root 21 May 11 21:46 libsane-umax.so.1 ->
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 20 May 11 21:47 libsane-v4l.so ->
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 20 May 11 21:46 libsane-v4l.so.1 ->
On Sund
OK, I will attempt to reproduce the problem tonight.
- Jost
-Original Message-
From: sane-devel-ad...@mostang.com [mailto:sane-devel-ad...@mostang.com]On
Behalf Of Tim Waugh
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 12:54 AM
To: Jost Diederichs
Cc: Morten Arnesen; sane-de...@mostang.com
Subject: Re
I can reproduce the problem
I rolled back to 1.0.3, upgraded to 1.0.5 and then upgraded to 1.0.7
See the session log below:
Script started on Mon May 13 09:33:20 2002
[micky]# rpm -Uvh sane-backends-1.0.7-6.i386.rpm
There is a known problem with the update script in the sane-backends rpm
that comes with redhat 7.3. See previous posts. Running ldconfig should
fix that. Alternatively uninstall sane-backends and reinstall it.
Good Luck.
- Jost
Keith Bates wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>Some months ago, after much