ty to manage
received raw image.
Sincerelly, Jonathan Bravo Lopez (JKD)
P.D.: I apologize about my english level
Sincerelly, Jonathan Bravo Lopez (JKD)
l modify application to set usb
product and usb vendor as app's argument (silly lapse)
Jonathan Bravo (JKD)
I've added some lines in sane-backends/tools/check-usb-chip.c to detect
Realtek RTS8822L-01H chipset.
I you want to update cvs you can find a diff file in this url:
Code checks usb information and then checks the result of rea
I want to announce that it's available the first backend for hp scanjet
3900 series (hp3900) at:
At this moment, code is a bit unstable so I think that it's very soon to
integrate backend in SANE project. But I want to give people the
El Thu, 19 de Oct de 2006, a las 08:08:30AM -0700, Dean Loros dijo:
> I've tried changing every setting I could find to decrease the "pink"
> colour. A white scan is almost pink all the way across--darker at the
> edges & lighter in the centre--is there a way to decrease the lamp
> output or is
El Tuesday 12 February 2008 18:53:19 cgi-mailer at kundenserver.de escribi?:
> ===
> == Neuer Eintrag
> ===
> ---
> -- Formular: 'adddev'
> ---
El Wednesday 13 February 2008 07:04:30 cgi-mailer at kundenserver.de escribi?:
> ===
> == Neuer Eintrag
> ===
> ---
> -- Formular: 'adddev'
> -
El Wednesday 21 May 2008 20:50:46 m. allan noah escribi?:
> 5. Several new well-known options for buttons and sensors. Backends
> should use the closest one to the meaning of the label on the scanner
> or the button's use in the manufacturer's software. Backends may also
> use a different name if
El Saturday 16 August 2008 20:09:11 BuildSmart escribi?:
> I now have the following HP scanners, ScanJet 3600c, ScanJet 3650c
> (with external film/slide reader), ScanJet 3670c (built-in film/slide
> reader), ScanJet 3690c, ScanJet 3930c, ScanJet 3970c.
> All but one is GL646_HP based.
> I h
El Sunday 17 August 2008 01:19:12 BuildSmart escribi?:
> On Aug 16, 2008, at 18:38 PM, JKD wrote:
> > El Saturday 16 August 2008 20:09:11 BuildSmart escribi?:
> >> I now have the following HP scanners, ScanJet 3600c, ScanJet 3650c
> >> (with external film/slide reade
On Friday 19 September 2008 10:41:41 Ilia Sotnikov wrote:
> As scanbuttond author seems unresponsive on his SF mail address, I'm
> posting the patch for scanbuttond (applies over CVS version) here.
> Hope someone finds it useful.
> Best regards,
> --
> Ilia Sotnikov
I've commited your
Hello Maciej,
> I've recently purchased HP ScanJet G3010. I did few scans, and I've
> noticed an artifact: part of the image is brighter than the rest, with
> a vertical border. Here are three examples:
> http://automaciej.rootnode.net/test-0001-1024px.png
> http://automaciej.rootnode.net/test-0
On Wednesday 03 December 2008 14:13:32 sidd gautam wrote:
> Hi , Thanks indeed. I typed this commad on Terminal and Message was: NO
> the scanner is plugged in,turned on and detected by the
> scan-finding-scanner tool. Then
d-scanner.o check-usb-chip.o
sane_strstatus.o ../sanei/.libs/libsanei.a /usr/lib/libusb.so
sane-find-scanner.o: In function `check_libusb_device':
undefined reference to `check_usb_chip' collect2: ld r
On Wednesday 04 March 2009 02:16:10 Dennis wrote:
> Greetings;
> I searched the Supported Scanners database and this scanner
> was supposed to be supported by the hp3900 back end so I
> bought one.
> When I run find-sane-scanner I get
> > found USB scanner (vendor=0x03f0, product=0x4305) at l
On Sunday 08 March 2009 15:11:49 Jacek Ru??yczka wrote:
> Am Sonntag 22 Februar 2009 22:34:51 schrieb m. allan noah:
> > I dont use SUSE, but I can make some educated guesses about their system:
> >
> > 1. install the libusb-devel package from suse. I assume yast can do this?
> >
> > 2. as root, re
On Friday 13 March 2009 22:39:33 Ian van der Neut wrote:
> Hello all,
> I searched the archives and googled, but I can't find anything that
> resembles my problem. The problem is illustrated by the images:
> http://apache.dataloss.nl/~ian/img.png which was scanned with:
> $ scanimage --mode Gra
On Saturday 14 March 2009 21:54:40 Jacek Ru?yczka wrote:
> Am Montag 09 M?rz 2009 20:57:19 schrieb Jacek Ru?yczka:
> > Am Sunday 08 March 2009 21:54:59 schrieben Sie:
> > > If you've compiled source code from CVS server scanimage should detect
> > > your device as "Hewlett-Packard Scanjet G2710 fla
El Tuesday 26 May 2009 08:55:47 Avner Shapiro escribi?:
> Hi all.
> I tried to sending this patch to scanbuttond author at his SF address, but
> did not get any reply. Then I saw
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/sane-devel/2008-September/022823.h
>tml, and decided to do the same, for th
2010/8/20 Alejandro Imass
> Hi,
> I would like to know the current support for the several HP ADF
> scanners that share the common chipset. From what I could see, it
> seems that the hp3900 series driver should support most if not all HP
> scanners based on the RT58822 chipset. Neverthe
El Fri, 23 de Dec de 2005, a las 06:43:31PM +0100, Henning Meier-Geinitz dijo:
> Do you know which other scanners of the HP3900 series work with your
> backend? Do they have the same USB product ids?
> Are the other scanners as listed in hp3900.conf also tested and working?
At least HP Sc
El Thu, 05 de Jan de 2006, a las 11:04:25PM +0100, Henning Meier-Geinitz dijo:
> Hi,
> On 2006-01-05 16:06, gangaraju wrote:
> > I have installed Fedora3(Linux-2.6.9),Kooka,xsane-0.92.
> > I got a USB HP scanjet 4070 photo smart scanner recently.
> This scanner may work with the
El Fri, 06 de Jan de 2006, a las 10:05:39AM +0100, Henning Meier-Geinitz dijo:
> So I guess I can list the support status of this scanner as "minimal"?
> Any reports about the ScanJet 4370?
After sent post I supose the support status of hp 4070 is the same as
hp3970. Minimal. I've nothing abou
I hope this patch improves rts8822l-01h chipset detection adding
check for descriptor.bcdUSB == 0x110 reported by some scanners and
accepting any value diferent to 0, read from 0xfe11 register.
patch for check-usb-chip.c CVS r
I suppose you are using hp3900 series backend. This backend is still
unstable so it's not already included in SANE project. May be
sane-find-scanner finds the device but you haven't installed properly
the backend.
If you have installed SANE from sources be sure that you've patched
El Wed, 19 de Apr de 2006, a las 04:39:15AM -0700, Tamkang dijo:
> I want to ask you about kooka, I have a weird problem with kooka
Check what parameters are you using to scan. Kooka makes preview scans
in 75 dpi by default and doesn't seem to support 16 bit depth scans,
stopping scan process when
El Sun, 25 de Jun de 2006, a las 07:21:26AM -0700, Dean Loros dijo:
> Just bought a HP Scanjet 4370 (didn't check to see support :-( ).
> Running the current Sane front & backends--Have installed hp3900-sane
> from Sourceforge. Problem is that the only scan I get is totally
> black--I've worked
El Mon, 26 de Jun de 2006, a las 06:45:37AM -0700, Dean Loros dijo:
> I don't have Windows installed on this computer--I'm waiting on parts to
> finish my new unit--Running Ubuntu 6.06--any logs you need or do I need
> to wait til I have a dual-boot??
I'm interested in logs (in text format) gene
El Mon, 26 de Jun de 2006, a las 06:01:50PM -0700, Dean Loros dijo:
> OK--I'll have my dual-boot unit within the next week or so--as
> soon as I have info for you should I post here or on SourceForge?
If you want to send logs, keep in mind that logs will be very big in
text format. So it would b
Hello everyone,
I'm debugging calibration process of hp scanjet 3970. But I'm not familiarized
with such process and I'm finding some concepts which are unknown for
Looking at google I've found this interesting post containing some
useful explanations:
El Tue, 11 de Jul de 2006, a las 09:43:11PM +0200, JKD dijo:
> Have anyone detailed information about this subject?
I answer to myself:
- Image Processing Fundamentals:
HTML http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/Courses/FIP/noframes/fip.html
PDF http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/People/albert/
Is there any possibility to compile sane backends without tiff
libraries? I've tried to disable that feature using --disable-tiff
option in configure script but it doesn't work.
Regards, JKD
El Thu, 17 de Aug de 2006, a las 07:22:42PM -0700, Tyrone Mills dijo:
> I had decided to write a backend for the 4070, so this is great news.
> Even if they (HP) would provide technical specs for the scanners, I'm
> sure there are many other people on this list who would create/update
> backends
El Sat, 16 de Sep de 2006, a las 10:18:41PM +0200, Julien BLACHE dijo:
> For your information, I've just added the hp3900 backend to the
> libsane-extras package in Debian.
It's OK :)
I'm working to improve code stability. I think that future version of
hp3900 backend (0.7) can be included into S
After some days using hp4370 scanner, I've made necessary changes in
hp3900 backend to scan images successfully. At least in resolutions
lower than 1200 dpi.
Calibration process is not completed and its implementation in hp4370 is
different from hp3970 and hp4070 so image quality isn't as good a
I'm hp3900 backend's developer. Due to this backend supports some
scanners and new devices could be supported in the future I'm thinking
about the possibility to create different config files for each
scanner capabilities to maintain code's structure legible.
It's not simple configuration
El Thu, 07 de Dec de 2006, a las 08:39:25PM +0200, Ilia Sotnikov dijo:
> Today I also decided to try to get an information about ScanJet 55xx
> Linux support from HP as other people did.
> I contacted HP office in Russia to ask them about their plans and the
> possibility to acquire technical do
El Thu, 28 de Dec de 2006, a las 12:09:22PM +0100, BALLABIO GERARDO dijo:
> I've been given an old scanner by a friend (not sure exactly how old,
> but the drivers cd says "windows 95, 98 and NT") and have been trying to
> run it from Debian Sarge. It's the first time I plug a scanner into a
> Linu
El Sat, 30 de Dec de 2006, a las 05:27:43PM +0100, Jean-Christophe 'Jice'
Cardot dijo:
> Hi
> I've developped a GUI + daemon (based on code by Rene Rebe - avision backend)
> for buttons support through SANE.
> Web site: http://cardot.net/KScannerButtons
> At the moment the daemon is a quick an
El Fri, 30 de Mar de 2007, a las 06:52:06PM -0700, Dean Loros dijo:
> I, along with several Ubuntu users (Feisty Fawn testing) have had a
> problem with sane & the USB_SUSPEND kernel option. Please take a look at
> one of the reported bugs at:
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends
I've released version 0.8 of hp3900 backend. In this version, the
following scanners are supported:
HP ScanJet 3800 (NEW)
HP ScanJet 3970
HP ScanJet 4070
HP ScanJet 4370
Supporting status for each scanner can be found at:
The complete c
El Mon, 09 de Apr de 2007, a las 04:30:47PM +0800, Horky Chen dijo:
> We wrote a SANE driver for our own scanners, how shall we release it?
> I think we just need to copy .la and .so file into /usr/loca/lib/sane,
> and modify some configuration file. Our SANE driver will be
> commercial package,
Description file "sane-backends/doc/descriptions-external/hp3900.desc"
can be updated to the one is attached.
hp3900 SVN version adds support for another scanner which seems to be
equal to ScanJet 4370 (at least uses the same windows drivers):
HP ScanJet G3010 (vendor: 0x03f0 product: 0x4205)
El Sun, 15 de Apr de 2007, a las 09:58:08PM +0200, Magnus Rosenbaum dijo:
> I upgraded my Linux kernel from 2.6.18 to 2.6.19 and noticed a strange
> behaviour in xsane and also in kooka: The program acts als it would
> normally scan, but the scanner does not do anything and the result is a
> comple
El Mon, 16 de Apr de 2007, a las 07:50:36AM +0200, Gerhard Jaeger dijo:
> On Sonntag, 15. April 2007, JKD wrote:
> > El Sun, 15 de Apr de 2007, a las 09:58:08PM +0200, Magnus Rosenbaum dijo:
> > > I upgraded my Linux kernel from 2.6.18 to 2.6.19 and noticed a strange
> >
El Mon, 16 de Apr de 2007, a las 02:50:01PM +0200, Gerhard Jaeger dijo:
> On Montag, 16. April 2007, JKD wrote:
> > > This is also an issue with the Plustek backend, reported by various
> > > Ubuntu and Gentoo users. As already stated by PhobosK, the problem is
El Sun, 22 de Apr de 2007, a las 11:13:15AM +0200, guido dom dijo:
> There must definitively be something fundamenally wrong with Feisty if such
> a number of users are experimenting problems with their scanner (Iam too
> with a canon N670U that is recognised but does not start).
> Both SANE and
I think it's the right moment to include current version (0.9) of
hp3900 backend in SANE. I've created a diff file to patch against CVS
version of SANE (sane-backends directory, 2007-06-03), located at:
This patch, includes hp3900 in s
El Fri, 15 de Jun de 2007, a las 11:35:12AM +0400, Dmitry Koroban dijo:
> Hi
> I have Benq 5550T usb scanner and its not mentioned in supported devices
> list.
> Device is recognized by sane-find-scanner as 'USB scanner (vendor=0x04a5[],
> product=0x2211 [Color FlatbedScanner39], chip=RTS8822L-01H)
El Tue, 01 de May de 2007, a las 10:33:36AM +0200, Julien BLACHE dijo:
> Hi,
> After looking at a couple of bug logs describing the issues users are
> having with SANE and CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND, I have 2 theories that need
> to be confirmed; it'd be nice if someone could take a look at the
> second
El Wed, 23 de May de 2007, a las 02:33:29AM -0700, Greggan dijo:
> I have removed the circuit board and tried to reveal the chip used in the
> Lide 70 scanner.
> I hope this will help development of backend for this scanner.
> Regards/ Greggan
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p10760511/lide70larg
El Mon, 20 de Aug de 2007, a las 01:09:58AM +0400, Jury Azovtzev dijo:
> Hi!
> I installed Ubuntu 7.04 on to my neighbour's PC and there was Benq 5550. I
> tryed run it as usual snapscan one. I found *.bin on CD and put it to the
> system. Then i fixed firmware path on /etc/sane.d/snapscan.conf
El Saturday 20 October 2007 12:03:16 Wim Vandenmeersschaut escribi?:
> I would like to find the driving software for a HP Scanjet G3010 as user.
> Is there someone who could give me some hints where to find it ?
> Wim Vandenmeersschaut
HP G3010 is managed by hp3900 backend. You can find it at:
Hello developers,
Could anybody tell me if 1 bit depth (lineart scan) is usually supported in
most frontends or it should be better to generate a B&W representation using
8 bits depth in grayscale?
Jonathan Bravo Lopez
-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed..
hp3900 backend 0.10 is available for inclusion in SANE project.
You can get diff file at:
These are files added/updated in CVS
Files updated:
Files added:
El Thursday 13 December 2007 10:08:44 Julien BLACHE escribi?:
> I guess the first one was descriptions-external :)
It was :)
> There's a sane-commit mailing-lists which gets the commit emails
> whenever you commit something to CVS, in case you missed that list and
> are interested in it.
Thank y
El Tue, 03 de Oct de 2006, a las 10:39:19PM +0200, Henning Meier-Geinitz dijo:
> What do you think the current status of this scanner is (for updating
> the hp399.desc file)? "good"?
HP3970 and HP4070: "good"
HP4370: "basic" because resolutions higher than 1200dpi don't work quite
well yet.
I've updated spanish language file sane-backends.es.po
Almost all lines are now translated. If you want to overwrite CVS file,
you can download it at:
Jonathan Bravo Lopez
El Wed, 18 de Oct de 2006, a las 06:20:31PM +0200, Istvan Gabor dijo:
> I am using suse 10.1.
> I have the packman suse sane package installed (sane-1.0.18-
> 0.pm.2).
> Now I'd like to setup a HP-Scanjet 4370 scanner which is not
> supported by this sane package. However I found a package a
.. could I have any
legal problems with HP? Could exist any problem in making GPL any code
derived from aplying reverse engineering to a copyrighted library?
Sincerelly, JKD
to be minimum values and maximum values for something but I'm
not sure of that. Could anyone have any idea about the purpose of theese
values? Gain values or something else ?. Gamma tables have only 255
posible values and I've located them.
Sincerelly, JKD
El Mon, 13 de Sep de 2004, a las 08:59:16AM +, gerard klaver dijo:
> On Sun, 2004-09-12 at 15:21, JKD wrote:
> > Debugging the windows library that manages my scanner I see that the
> > first thing the driver does is create six tables with unknown purposes
> > at the mome
Hello every one,
I'm new in this list. I own an HP Scanjet 3970 and I'm planning
to write a backend for this scanner. I would like to know if anybody has
started to analyze usb protocol of this scanner or if there is any
developer who is already working on it.
Sincerely, JKD
OP_READ_IMAGE : Not debugged
Sincerelly, JKD
P.D.: I apologize about my english level
El Tue, 24 de Aug de 2004, a las 09:33:11PM -0500, Steven P. Ulrick dijo:
> Hello, Everyone :)
> I just downloaded the entire archives of this mailing list, and I found
> a few references to the HP
66 matches
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