I'm interested in reverse-engineering this scanner. I've looked over the
support page on the SANE site and I see there were some requests for info by
Eric Bachard from this list last August. I emailed him but no reply hence my
mail to the whole list.
I've figured out how to get logs from Canon's o
I am making good progress reverse-engineering the SCSI protocol for this
film scanner. I now have a short test program in C that scans film and I now
have the challenge of decoding the image data returned. It appears to be raw
sensor data. I don't have experience with many other scanners: is this
Sorry, ignore this post. It's not raw data as I can now see an image with
different scanning parameters.
I am making good progress reverse-engineering the SCSI protocol for this
film scanner. I now have a short test program in C that scans
I hope I'm not completely out of context since I only get the digest and
have not been following this thread. But the following caught my eye:
"With xsane the stdout and sterr are not available because it is compiled
as GUI."
As a WIN32 programmer for years, I know this doesn't have to be true.
I am about to throw this scanner away because I don't need it anymore and
the $20 it could bring me on eBay isn't worth the trouble. Before I do, I
thought I would offer it to anyone on this list who might want it. It's
about 5 years old, does about 600dpi, has a SCSI interface (no USB option)
Some of you are lucky enough to get developer docs from a manufacturer so
that writing a driver isn't too hard. I'm working on the Canon FS4000 film
scanner and, although I haven't tried, I've heard Canon is tough to get docs
from. So, I'd like to get as far as I can before having to sign an NDA wi
I've posted a page with my latest code for the FS4000:
The code on this page is not a SANE back-end. It's still a collection of
test programs. I have no Linux box but, although the code was written on
Windows with VC++, it's ANSI C and should build anywhe