I'm sorry, but my english is not very well
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> Hi,
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 07:46:20PM +0200, Christoph Knauer wrote:
> > But now there is a network-problem since I'm using this "new"
> > backend-package: I can't scan on my network anymore. To compile only the
> > microtek2-code was changed,
doesn't it scan?
> If it doesn't scan, which error message do you get and when?
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gt; Hi,
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 11:13:05PM +0200, Christoph Knauer wrote:
> > For info: it seems to be a problem with the last build on my system ...
> > using the package before (which I know as good) -> ok, all is working
> > fine Using the last builded package -&
ve modified the microtek2.c with the change I got from Karsten 1,5 years=
ago, and now it works fine, with right colors.
Am Freitag, 8. Oktober 2004 11:52 schrieb Henning Meier-Geinitz:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 11:13:05PM +0200, Christoph Knauer wrote:
> > For
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is the LightLid35 Option with a Microtek Scanmaker X6 usable with sane /
i've a little trouble with xsane 0.90 and w2k-sp3. A preview is always
ok, but when i trie to scan my selected area, sometimes it works fine,
and sometimes it crashes. Before the update from 0.89 all works fine.
also the linux-version 0.90 works without any problems.
The system:
Scanner on L
Hi Friends of Sane,
when I take a preview with e.g. A5across and setting for color, so the preview
seems to be verry green.
Now I choose the scanarea, and make the final scan, so the result is with
correct colors.
I'm using the following system and versions:
SuSE 10.0 with actual security patc
I'm using microtek Scanmaker 4800. Scanning direct from the pc the scanner is
connectet with is noproblem. But when I try to scan over my network, the
scan / preview strarts, but after a few seconds it stops, and xsane (also
kooka) isn't useable any longer.
My system:
SuSE 10.1 wi
what happens, if you try the command sudo scanimage -L? If you can see like
device `microtek2:/dev/sg0' is a Microtek ScanMaker X6 / Phantom 636 flatbed
(here is an example with a microtek x6-scsi-Scanner)
Am Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2006 21:23 schrieb Dal
I've changed my scanner (from Microtek sm IIx to sm x6). Mostly it works
fine, but sometimes scanning gives wrong colors. Sometimes the scan
itself, sometimes the preview is with wrong colors. I tried it out, but
i didn't find any conditions when it happens or not.
Any idea?
(sorry about my
Hi Karsten,
Am Mon, 2003-02-10 um 23.07 schrieb Karsten Festag:
> Hi Christoph,
> Is it a SCSI or USB (or parport?) scannner, if SCSI: what adapter card
SCSI with Adaptec AHA2940
> What SANE version do you use?
Seems to be 1.0.7 SuSE
> could you please send me a logfile (look into the san
: eddy_de_gr...@tiscali.be
Subject: Re: [sane-devel] wrong colors
To: "Christoph Knauer"
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Sender: eddy_de_gr...@tiscali.be
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Christoph Knauer wrote:
>> I'm not sure, it might b
Am Fre, 2003-02-14 um 12.54 schrieb Karsten Festag:
> Hi,
> > Hi Karsten,
> > SCSI with Adaptec AHA2940
> there should be no problem.
> >
> > > What SANE version do you use?
> > Seems to be 1.0.7 SuSE
> >
> Is scanimage driving the scanner and producing an image?
> Is there possibly more than one
is it normal, that xsane 0.90 don't save its position on my screen?
Allway i open it, its windows are in default size and position
(mainwindow shows an a4 with the size of an 10*15, not really big ;-) )
gt; You can save the file manually or define that xsane does save
> it each time when you exit xsane (setup preferences =>
> save device preferences on exit)
> Oliver
> On Saturday 15 February 2003 10:20, Christoph Knauer wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > is it nor
I tried it, but it doesn't work. I allways tried it with saving the
settings manually, but next time my windows strart with default-size
> Hi Christoph,
> Have you tried:
> Preferences - Setup - Display
> And then switch off 'Main window size fixed' ??
> Works for me, jus
Thaths right, what I mean is which windows are opened and in's position,
or which windows are closed.
Am Mon, 2003-02-17 um 18.38 schrieb Oliver Rauch:
> When the windows are closed then xsane can not save the position of the
> window.
> Oliver
is there any way to tell xsane, which mode it should use as default, or is
there always the viewer-mode the default?
So long, Christoph
Hello People,
I've installed a scanner on my linux-server; there runs sane 1.01 on it.
On my client I'm also workin with Win2K and xsane-win 0.84 and SuSE-Linux 7.3
with kernel 2.4.16 and xsane 0.84.
On win2k, scanning works fine, but since I made an update from SuSE 7.1 to
7.3, xsane dosn't f
Hi People,
why I can't give user-defined paperfomats for scanning, e.g. 10,5*21,5? I
can't find any field to set such formats
So long, Christoph
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Hi People,
I work with win-xsane 0.80. It works fine, but after scanning there are=20
allways also my scanned files and th
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Hi People,
I've a problem with xsane-win 0.80. I tried to copy with xsane-win. In=20
setup I used this command:
Hi People,
when I abort a scan during converting the image to jpg, xsane-win crashes
without any error. If I abort during the scanning (receiving the colors,
I'm using a 3-pass-scanner), there comes only the message "operation
canceled" without crash.
So long, Christoph
Hello People,
is here someone, who works with xsane-win and the copy-funktion? How must I
setup the printing-command?
So long, Christoph
Hi People,
when I scan an color image as tiff, there is too much blue in it (or
another color is not there?). When I use other file-formats, all works fine.
I'm using a microtec E2 3-Pass-Scanner.
So long, Christoph
i've a little problem:
there is a linux-server with suse 8.0 an sane on ist.
The client has two OS: Win2000 SP2 and Linux suse 8.0. On both is xsane
0.88. On my w2k-client is a network-scan ok, but with linux it find no
device. the net.conf is identical. linux-"sane-find-scanner" does'nt
> Which version of sane-backends is installed on the Linux client?
might be 1.0.7 (-59 SuSE-Package)
> Try running "SANE_DEBUG_NET=255 xsane", that should give you an idea
> on what's going wrong.
Here ist the output:
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of net to 255.
[net] sane_init: autho
Hi Henning,
i tried it out as root on my workstation, it works. So, it seems to be a
problem with my user or group, i'll have a look later on.
Hi Henning,
> That's really on the client?
> That's version 1.0.8.
Perhaps there was an update. I only had a qick look in yast.
> Your net.conf is empty (or contains only comments).
My net.conf:
Only this line. With User root it works, but not as "normal" user :-(
Hallo Hening,
> Maybe you have two installations of SANE? Try "locate net.conf". Make
> sure that root and the user run the same scanimage.
That was it. All erased, and doing a new installation, so it works now.
i've a litle problem with scanning negatives on an microtek scanmaker x6
/ phantom 636 with lightlid35 when i set the option using lightlit or
toggle lamp. with "toggle the lamp" the scannerlam goes out, but when i
push the button scan, it goes on again, and setting "use lightlid35"
seems to d
there is another problem I found: If i trie to scan, but the target-disk
is almoust full (here it was 0byte free), xsane exits without any
message during the transfer of the datas to this disk.
Bye, Christoph
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I've tried to compile and install xsane 0.94. When I start xsane from conso=
nothing happens, only the message "Speicherzugriffsfeh
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I'm using the above hardware to scan my negatives. When I click on "using=20
lightlid" the scanner-lamp should be switched of, but before scann
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Hi Karsten,
it seems not to resolve this problem. I've changed the microtec2-files afte=
building on bth machines, the server and the client
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Hi Karsten,=20
the files are send to vou as PM.
Greetings, Christoph
Am Mittwoch, 28. April 2004 08:35 schrieb Karsten Festag:
> Hi Christoph,
I've just compiled xsane 0.93, but when I start it from console-window, only
an error-message "eula.txt not found" appears. Where find I this txt, and
where does xsane search for it?
18:27 schrieb Oliver Rauch:
> Hello Christoph,
> when you install xsane (make install) then the file is copied
> to the correct place.
> Oliver
> Am Mit, 2004-04-28 um 23.50 schrieb Christoph Knauer:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've just compiled xsane 0.93,
When I started the configure, the files was just packed out from your archive,
in both times.
Am Donnerstag, 29. April 2004 19:28 schrieb Oliver Rauch:
> Works fine for me.
> Are you sure there were no object files in xsane-0.93/src
> when you called configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 ?
> Especally x
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> ...
> #endif
> change this to
> #if 1
> and change the
> #elseif
> to
> #else
> then recompile xsane.
> Oliver
> Am Don, 2005-01-27 um 00.27 schrieb Christoph Knauer:
> > Hi,
2 0x40770440 in bind_textdomain_codeset () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#3 0x080ab2a0 in main ()
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unter http://www.profiseller.de/shop/christoph-knauer
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