Odd behaviour with Xsane-win32 build:
sane-1.0.6 on a linux machine with a scsi Tamarack 6000 scanner.
On the linux side xsane works (like xscanimage, scanimage, etc)
saned configured as suggested in inetd.conf, access granted accordingly
xsane-win32-0.86 installed as instructed on a Win95 machin
With the latest sane-1.0.8, how do I configure it only to compile and
install the backends that I want, instead of all (default) ?
I tried configure --without-v4l for example (because I have a DVB card
which also uses v4l for it's TV display and sane annoyingly looks for
v4l and loads the module
Just reporting some apparent bugs :
sane-1.0.8 on a linux machine, saned running.
latest twain_32 installed on a win95 system.
sanetwain (dl yesterday)
tamarack 6000C scanner.
I don't know what resolution is used for preview by it's windows
software, xscanimage or xsane. however:
If in prefere
Thank you, Oliver, I followed your advice and installed sane-1.0.8,
configured and started saned, and tried again.
- first result was the same. (stack dump)
- after digging a little more, I found in the logs that tcpd reported
"file /usr/sbin/saned not found".
(my inetd.conf line contained /usr/s
Related to some problems using xsane-win32 over the network on a
Slackware 7.0 system:
I'd like to suggest to the maintainer of saned.man:
I used the example shown for inetd.conf using tcpd directly, but it did
not work because tcpd expected to find saned in /usr/sbin, while it was
installed in /
How can one install a client only installation of sane?
No backends needed, as all scanning would happen over the network.
saned is not needed
Possibly libraries and headers of sane would be needed to compile other
frontends (not sure, so far I always compiled frontends having
sane-backends alrea
In the following situation:
sane-1.0.8, linux slackware 7.0, tamarack 6000C scanner.
Win95 client, latest twain_32, winsane-0.9, attempted scan from
photoshop 4.
Scanning at 300dpi, color resulted in scanimage crashing upon
completion of the scanning, also bringing down photoshop with it.
In this page, the line
saned - SANE network daemon for remote scanning (included in
sane-backends) (more information and documentation)
"more information and documentation") points to
http://home.arcor.de/jochen.eisinger/saned/ which in turn returns 404
ing. Andrei Boros
The mailing list manager sends out once a month a reminder:
Subject : www.mostang.com mailing list memberships reminder
>From : mailman-owner@localhost.localdomain
saned is recommended to be configured on TCP port 6566, called via
I assume this is the port reserved for sane as a network service.
Extract from http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers
# 6559-6579 Unassigned
I am looking forward for an upgrade and the old Tamarack I have is
clearly not enough anymore. Prospecting the market in Bucharest gave me
2 choices. Sane support reduces this to one.
I was looking for a 1200x2400 dpi optical, USB (maybe SCSI), with
transparency adapter.
The answer came either
I already put this question when sane was at version 1.0.3
Yesterday I upgraded to sane-1.0.6 and tried again.
I have a Tamarack 6000C scanner (branded ESCOM, but sane-find-scanner
sees it as Tamarack) with a g_NCR5380 ISA SCSI card.
As with previous versions of sane, the scanner works,
--- Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> There are some tricks that may or may not help a little bit. Some of
> them are
> summarized at http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/docu.html#SCSI . They
> are
> related to Mustek scanners but they use the same SCSI adapters.
I looked at them and I'll try them thi
--- Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> > A glance at the kernel source (g_NCR5380.c) tells a lot :
> >
> > I'll try to play with them a bit.
> Be carefull. I had kenel lockups sometimes while playing with these
> values.
I tried sane 1.0.4 yesterday (and an older version a few months ago)
with a dissapointing result.
My setup is :
Pentium 200MMX, 64MB, NCR5380 SCSI controller (came with the scanner)
and a Tamarack 6000C scanner (actually branded ESCOM, but reported as
Tamarack on SCSI bus).
System is Slackwa
I tried sane 1.0.4 yesterday (and an older version a few months ago)
with a dissapointing result.
My setup is :
Pentium 200MMX, 64MB, NCR5380 SCSI controller (came with the scanner)
and a Tamarack 6000C scanner (actually branded ESCOM, but reported as
Tamarack on SCSI bus).
System is Slackwar
My brother has a Digital foto camera with USB interface which I am
wandering if it can be supported by sane :
Manufacturer seem to be called Plawa or Xion. Device is called "Spy
If anyone knows about this, please tell me. Thank you.
ing. Andrei Boros
Centrul pt. Tehnologia Inf
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