> I would like to get some data points on which USB scanners are
> reported to work on FreeBSD (OpenBSD, NetBSD). Browsing the
> archives I found out that scanners supported by the epson and
> coolscan2 backends are reported to work.
I can confirm that the SnapScan backend also works on FreeB
Thanks Henning...
Im trying to get a usb scanner to some students who are BSD freaks.
Ryan Budge
e-mail : r...@smarthand.co.za
Mobile : +27 83 415 7926
Fax : +27 8 83 415 7926
Hi everyone,
I would like to get some data points on which USB scanners are
reported to work on FreeBSD (OpenBSD, NetBSD). Browsing the archives I
found out that scanners supported by the epson and coolscan2 backends
are reported to work.
The background of my question is: All my USB scanners can